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Tenants of Privateering

At the Gulf Coast Privateers Association we do not believe in making hard and fast rules for Privateers to live by. We do however suggest th...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Introduction and Mission Statement

With the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord the inevitable increase in sea levels caused by the existence of humans may occur even faster than expected. With that in mind we chose today to proudly announce the formation of the Gulf Coast Privateers Association a group dedicated to adventure, excitement, and high seas lunacy.

We at the G.C.P.A. have been lobbying in secret to encourage the burning of more fossil fuels and have dedicated ourselves to increasing our own carbon footprint with the idea that rising sea levels will create an environment that is more conducive to our chosen way of life. It is because of this that we today commend President Trump as his actions may one day lead to a world where privateering is made great again.

Combining the events of today with the commendable appointment of Scott Pruitt to lead the E.P.A.it has become clear that now is the time to start expanding our ranks. If you are dedicated to debauchery, have a love of tropical locations, know how to pour a good drink, and think eye patches are cool


Then we are looking for you to fill the roles of Sea Wenches and Scallywags 

Check us out on Facebook at Facebook.com/GCPrivateers

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